Deal Time Freaks Uncategorized Free Young Eagles Flights for Kids 8-17

Free Young Eagles Flights for Kids 8-17

Have a huge aviation enthusiast..Do you have a child between the ages of 8-17? If so, check out the Young Eagles Flights program! The Young Eagles program has dedicated 30 years to giving youth ages 8–17 their first free ride in an airplane! Click below for more details and find a location near you!
It is a program called EAA Young Eagles.

Most EAA chapters offer Young Eagles flights to children between the ages of 8 and 17. It is a great opportunity for kids to experience flying in a general aviation airplane and learn about aviation and airplanes. The program is run by volunteer pilots donating their time and the full cost of a flight using their own or rental aircraft. They also log hours to keep their licenses.

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